1 Der Europäische-Emissionshandel: Die Rolle von CO2-Zertifikaten in der Praxis
2 Gender in the economy, Human Capital Gaps, Income and wealth inequality
3 Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmärkte, Segregation am Arbeitsmarkt, zur Frauenfrage in der Ökonomie, How compatible are Capitalism and Democracy?
4 Platform capitalism and climate change
5 Gender Budgeting, Wirtschaftspolitik und Gender
6 Sustainable development, Feminist aspects of political economy / feminist economics
7 Development Economics
8 Economics of Inequality
9 European Regional Development, International Development, European Integration
10 Gender differences in the labor market
11 The impacts of immigration policies on children’s economic prospects, assimilation and labour market outcomes
12 Unemployment, Employment Policies, Discrimination and Anti-Discrimination Policies, Tax Evasion
13 Wage Discrimination
14 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
15 Migration, Distribution of Income and Wealth
16 Economics of Inequality
17 Corporate Governance
18 Corporate Governance
19 Economic consequences of changes in accounting and banking regulations, such as the introduction of new International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Basel III
20 Value Reporting
21 Socially responsible investing
22 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
23 Non-financial reporting
24 Women in Mathematics (http://statmath.wu.ac.at/~boehm/topics.pdf)
25 Invisible work and invisible skills; socialization of migrants in the workplace, nation branding, city branding
26 Business communication and sustainability/inclusive business practice
27 Organisational cultural change towards sustainability; Socially responsible leadership; Corporate sustainability initiatives
28 La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa en la industria petrolera (un análisis de informes de RSC)
29 Problemas medioambientales, economía sostenible desigualdad de las condiciones laborales entre la mujer y el hombre
30 Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Verantwortung, Migration: Little Italy, Expat
31 Responsible global leadership, a contemporary approach to global leadership studies with a particular focus on ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
32 Sustainability in the global textile industry
33 Drivers of corporate responsibility and irresponsibility, grand societal challenges and their implications for strategy and management, the changing nature of global work, and the challenges facing global migrants
34 Sustainable internationalization strategies; FDI & sustainable development
35 ESG performance, SDGs
36 Various topics on sustainability (e.g. ESG performance & internationalization)
37 Social enterprises
38 City Logistics, Sustainability aspects in SCM
39 Nachhaltige Logistik
40 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
41 Seminar Green Logistics
42 Sustainability in Transport, Logistics und Supply Chain Management, Quantifying and monetary assessment of greenhouse gas emissions and congestion
43 Sustainability aspects in employee attitudes, affect, and/or behaviors with an international focus
44 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
45 Open (Government) Data
46 Business and societal impact of emerging technologies Social technologies (e.g. Web 2.0/ Social Media) for knowledge creation and sharing
47 Security and Privacy aspects of the Semantic Web, Next Generation Internet (NGI), distributed data and decentralised applications, and trust and transparency mechanisms
48 Human needs & values, digital privacy, human-centric information systems and algorithmic accountability, empower humans and develop sustainable solutions in the digital economy
49 Sustainable Computing, Ethical IT Systems Development Lifecycle Management, Privacy, Information Security
50 Ethical issues arising from the digitalization of everyday life and the prominence of new media, social issues such as civic engagement, gender equality, human rights, youth issues and urban development
51 Human-centered design and sustainable IT, impact of technology on our lives and psychological wellbeing, a challenging topic considering an environment dominated by new technologies and medialooking into ethical IT design & innovation and technology attitudes
52 Societal Impacts of IT
53 Food supply chain management (e.g. reduction of food waste); see more here: www.christianfikar.com
54 Sustainable finance; environment, sustainability, governance & banking/lending; industry 4.0; digitalization of finance
55 Humanitarian Logistics, Sustainable Logistics
56 Sustainable Operations
57 Economic and environmental sustainability in supply chains, Resource efficiency in supply chains
58 Gender and class related inequalities in careers
59 Environmental and/or social sustainability and business responsibility
60 (In)Equality issues in education, Drop out research (early school leaving, drop out in higher education)
61 School Research: Segregation, Migration Studies:Education Level of Refugees
62 Participation and collective action (eg in alternative organizations), Gender issues in organizations
63 Category of cultured animal products with a focus on cultural, institutional, and organizational change
64 Business Ethics, Diversity
65 Die Beziehungen zwischen sozialen Bewegungen und Organisationen (z.B. Veganismus, Klimagerechtigkeit, Mobilität), Ethik in der Wirtschaft und in der Wissenschaft
66 Corporate social responsibility initiatives in China and Europe, organizations in transition economies, and professions and fields undergoing major change
67 Gender- und Diversitätsmanagement in Organisationen mit Fokus auf Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, speziell Karrieren, Führung und Teams sowie Interkulturelles Management unter Einsatz von qualitativen Sozialforschungsmethoden
68 Gendered and Organization Theory; Theory of Social Practices; Diversity and Intersectionality Research; Gender Diversity and Technology
69 Gendered and Organization Theory, Theory of Social Practices, Translating Organizational Change, Ageing, Diversity and Intersectionality Research
70 Diversity and Inclusion in Organizations, Diversity Management, Gender and Diversity aspects of Political Campaigning
71 Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality Research
72 Gender and Diversity in Organizations, Organizing and Managing Diversity, Intersectionality and queer perspectives, Subtexts in Organization Theories
73 Skilled migration
74 Nachhaltiges Personalmanagement, Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung / GRI
75 Green Human Resource Management
76 Sustainable HRM, Green HRM, Sustainability Reporting, New Forms of Organizing and HRM
77 Vergleichendes Green HRM
78 Comparative Green HRM
79 Internationale, globale NPO, Global Civil Society, Zusammenarbeit zwischen NPO und staatlichen Akteuren (Gemeinden, Staat, EU)
80 Demokratie in Organisationen
81 Social entrepreneurship and social innovation
82 Philanthropy, Corporate Volunteering, Food Banks in times of Austerity
83 Social Innovation, Volunteer Management, Volunteering and Social Inequality
84 Sharing Economy: Was können Unternehmen von neuen Organisationsformen in der Sharing Economy lernen?
85 Leitbilder der Stadtpolitik: Wie wirken sich neue Stadtkonzepte und -strategien (Sharing City, Smart City, Green City, …) auf die Organisationslandschaft in urbanen Räumen aus? Welche Formen der Steuerung von Leistungsnetzwerken („Public Governance“) treten dabei zu Tage?
86 Neue gemeinwohlorientierte Organisationsformen: Wie etablieren sich neue gemeinwohlorientierte Kapitalgesellschaftsformen (etwa nach dem Vorbild der B-Corp in den USA)?
87 Changing civic engagement and its new challenges for public policy and management; The increasing importance of bureaucratic reputations and the influence on citizens’ and public servants’ behaviors
88 Social biases, such as stereotypes and prejudice, in the decision-making and the behavior of individuals and asks how this contributes to inequalities
89 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
90 Sustainable Marketing, Sustainable Consumption, Consumer Behaviour
91 CSR and Communication
92 Sustainable Consumer Behavior / Consumption, Collaborative Consumption
93 Sharing Economy, Sustainable Consumer Behavior / Consumption
94 Sustainable Consumer Behavior/Consumption, Sustainable Marketing
95 Consumer behavior in the Sharing Economy, Sustainable Consumption
96 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
97 Sharing Economy
98 Alternative retail formats and social supermarkets, Food waste in retailing, Shopping behaviour and impoverished consumers
99 Marketing and the Climate Crisis (see our ongoing project: co2mustgo.eu)
100 Legal Work and Social Inclusion, Challenges for European Social Dialogue in a Time of Crisis. New Governance for Transnational Solidarities, between Complementarity and Innovation
101 Antidiskriminierungsrecht in Österreich und der EU, Gleichbehandlungsfragen im Betriebspensionsrecht, Nichtraucherschutz im Arbeitsverhältnis
102 Mutterschutz und Soziale Sicherheit
103 Arbeitsrecht und ihre Schnittstellen mit Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit
104 Recht der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge, ausgewählte Aspekte des Sozialversicherungsrechts (insb. Krankengeld, Wiedereingliederungsgeld, Leistungen beim Versicherungsfall der Mutterschaft, befristete Neuregelung für durch Covid-19 besonders gefährdete Personen)
105 Antidiskriminierungsrecht, Menschen mit Behinderungen im Arbeits- und Sozialrecht
106 Grundrechte
107 Demokratie und Rechtsstaat
108 Grundrechte (insbesondere Datenschutzrecht und Religionsfreiheit)
109 Europäische Integration, Grund- und Menschenrechte
110 Umweltrecht
111 Integrationsverfassungsrecht, Grund- und Menschenrechte, Europäische Integration
112 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
113 Tax Administrations in Interagency Cooperation
114 European Human Rights
115 European and International Human Rights Protection
116 Systemfragen des europäischen Grundrechtsschutzes
117 Österreichischer, Europäischer und Internationaler Menschenrechtsschutz
118 Macroeconomics & Environment: forecast socially and ecologically sustainable economic trajectories in the light of pressing social and environmental issues, growth, income and wealth distribution, and productivity and their application to ecological problems like climate change and other market failures
119 Sustainability and transformational learning/education, Smart cities topics, Sustainability driven entrepreneurship
120 Industrial Ecology, Environmental Accounting, Material Flow Analysis, Environmental Extended Input-Output Analysis (EEIOA), Analytical Tools in EEIOAa
121 Climate change impact on the growth-finance-inequality nexus, Indicators of financial portfolios’ exposure to carbon stranded assets, Alignment of investments’ flows to the 1.5 degrees target and the Sustainable Development Goals, Stock-Flow Consistent macroecological models, Climate stress test of the financial system and macro-financial networks, Climate change adaptation through the food-water-energy nexus
122 Sustainable Work: relationships between economic development and (un-)employment, identifies key labor market challenges for the transformation to sustainability, and develops alternative institutional designs
123 Policies affecting food consumption in western societies, Participative management of common pool resources, Social networks in agriculture Environmental inequality
124 Industrial Ecology, Environmental Accounting, MFA, Land use, Input-Output Analysis, LCA
125 Industrial Ecology, Environmental Accounting (in particular material flow analysis), Environmental Footprinting (in particular env. ext. input-output analysis), Global Responsibility
126 Socio-Ecological Transformation
127 Effects of environmental policy on pollution, health, growth, and/or employment, Determinants of consumerism, Effects of rising income inequality on well-being of societies, Effects of financial development or liberalization on growth, output volatility, crisis and/or employment
128 Global Resource Use: quantifying society’s use of natural resources and its consequences
129 Ecological Economics, Industrial Ecology, Environmental Accounting, MFA, Water accounting, Global Responsibility
130 Geoinformatics, Satellite time series analysis, Environmental modeling
131 Inequality/Distribution of (mainly) income and wealth and economic development in the long-run
132 Business Ethics & Classes on “Sustainable Economics and Business II: Sustainability, an Area of Conflict in Economic Reality?”
133 Rising Inequality, Gentrification and social exclusion in cities, Socio-economic changes and the rise of the populist right, A project related to a topic in economic geography
134 Spatial variation of increasing inequality (literature review and GIS-based analysis focusing on a single country or region), Changes in the Vienna housing market and social segregation (GIS-based space-time panel analysis)
135 Environmental law, Aarhus Convention, Paris Climate Accord
136 Evaluation, CSR, Sustainable Development, Knowledge Brokerage
137 Social and ecological transformation, Socioeconomic development, Comparative Developments Studies, Participation and socioeconomic democracy, Social innovation
138 Economic and environmental interactions, environmental values and the transformation of the world political economy to a more socially and environmentally just system
139 System approach nature-economy
140 Regional policy, European regional development, EU regional policy, Globalisation and regional development
141 Sustainable Mobility
142 Social movements, democracy and governance, degrowth, political ecology political thought and philosophy, social-ecological transformation, ecological economics
143 Philosophy of Science, Logic and Ethics
144 Philosophy of Science, Logic and Ethics
145 Democracy and sustainability; societal transformations, political and social movements
146 Democratic research, Citizen demonstrations, social movements, political parties, political participation
147 Environmental Sociology and Politics, Theoretical Sociology, Gender and Sustainability, Post-Growth Societies, Degrowth
148 Social Change, Sustainability, Social Movements, emancipatory Politics, Social and Democracy Theory
149 New Social Movements, Societal Transformation, Social Practice Theory
150 Transformative economics, ethics in sustainability
151 Gesellschaftliche Transformation
152 Collective Alternative Everyday Practices, Prefigurative Politics, Post-Growth Societies, Theories of Modern Society, Subject Theory
153 Social Services Secor, Market dynamics in social service providers
154 Gerechtigkeit und Sozialpolitik, transnational and cross-border issues in social policy, access to social services
155 (Forced) migration and social policy, integration (policy), social inclusion, and anti-discrimination
156 Poverty, Inequality, Social Investment, Theoretical Foundations of Social Policy
157 Armut (in Österreich & Europa), Poverty & Social Exclusion, Health & Economic Inequality
158 Sustainable Development (e.g. SDGs 3 and 5)
159 Social Inequality (e.g. educational disadvantages, income and wealth inequality, precarisation, social problems)
160 Xenophobia, racism and group related misanthropy – theoretical, empirical and practical perspectives
161 Socioeconomic perspectives on inequality
162 Work and gender; care; reproductive work; concepts of work; concepts of work-life-balance; working conditions in low-wage service sectors
163 Sociology of sustainable development, Sustainable consumption
164 Social movements, protests, and their political outcomes, Measurement of human rights, Determinants of human rights violations
165 Topics regarding social inequality (e.g. educational and income inequality; poverty; precarisation and de-standardisation), The phenomena of ‘Working Poor’ in Europe, Gender inequality (e.g. occupational gender segregation)
166 Questions of global sustainable development and an interdisciplinary Sustainability Science
167 Social inequality and its specific effects in the Corona crisis
168 Social determinants of mortality, Global economic integration
169 Social & Humanitarian Entrepreneurship
170 Responsible Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
171 Strategy implementation and performance management in social enterprises and NGOs
172 Implementation of Sustainability/CSR strategies
173 Sustainability/CSR and social and environmental reporting as well as in socio-economic trends, wealth disparity
174 Link between the permanent and temporary organization, and sustainable development
175 STaR faculty member, topic infos not available yet
176 Sustainable Development & Project Management
177 Digital strategy, digital organization, digital sustainability, sustainability transition management
178 Economics of long-term care services and informal care; Quality of long-term care, focus on outcome measurement; Evaluation of active and assisted living (AAL) systems; Evaluation of new technologies for older people and for long-term care provision